Clay in the Potter’s hand

From Jeremiah 18:5,6

Clay in the Potter's hand, 

Clay in the Potter’s hand,

I am a clay in the Potter’s hand

My Lord God is the Potter

I am the clay

Oh Lord, Oh Lord, have your way 

My Lord is the Potter

I am the clay

Have your way, have your way 

The worthless pile of clay I am

Plopped in your hands 

Fashion in the way you like

I don't know how I can 

Value I have not my own 

I see that wherever I turn 

Valuable I will become

When you take me thy own

Secured in your hands 

My Potter, my Lord

Disappointment, I am not

But most useful clay pot 

All my life, I am your clay

Design me in every way

My Lord is the Potter

I am HIS clay 


Bindhu Jachin




Promised Land