Abraham’s meal for the Lord
Fresh wheat tacos, Tender beef roast, yogurt dressing
From Genesis 18
Abraham’s meal for the Lord - Genesis 18
Let me set this story for you. The story happens right after the establishment of covenant which is the circumcision and the affirmation of Abraham's blessings from the Lord. Abraham is 99 years old and God has given new names for both Abraham and Sarah - Exciting Times!
On this particular sunny day, Abraham was sitting at the entrance of his tent, which is pretty typical for the elders to be at that time of day. He looks up and sees three men standing near the oak trees of Mamre - a heavenly visitation. How do we know that? For one, the chapter begins with, 'The Lord appeared to Abraham' and later in this chapter we learn that Abraham will plead to the Lord- who is one among them- to spare the people of Sodom and Gomorrah.
Now, Abraham was not a stranger to God by that time, as he has had several encounters with God before. For Example, Genesis 12:7 says, 'The Lord appeared to Abram and said, 'to your offspring I will give this Land.’ Genesis 15 says ‘The word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision,’ etc...So here it's safe to say, Abraham knows the Lord - What a wonderful statement that is! This is the very reason why Abraham hurried to meet them because he recognized them, he had a relationship with the Lord before this.
We need to have a personal relationship with the Lord to recognize the Lord.
Several times we miss out on God moments merely because we don't recognize Him.
We simply call it luck or coincidence, or the moment can even go unnoticed.
Ok, back to the story - Abraham first looked up to them, recognized them so he hurried to them and bowed down low to the ground - an act of reverence, a sign of submission. He goes on to say, 'If I have found favor in your eyes, my Lord, do not pass your servant by. Let a little water be brought and then you may wash your feet and rest under this tree. Let me get you something to eat, so you can be refreshed and then go on your way - now that you have come to your servant.’ Then he hurried into the tent to ask Sarah to get the finest flour and bake some bread.
Serve One Another: Abraham Demonstrates Hospitality 101
Yes, I understand The Lord himself is the guest here but this is the very example of how our attitude should be with others.
What is Hospitality? It is the very act of humility. To be hospitable we have to humble ourselves, put others needs before us. Make them feel welcome, comfortable and be generous in whatever we have. We don't have to blow trumpets to welcome them or throw a banquet every time someone visits us. No, that is not what I mean.
The way you feel will be reflected in the way you act. It most definitely will. When we humble our heart, it shows.
Long time ago, I must have still been in middle school, the car our family travelled broke down in the middle of a very small town. It was before mobile phones and GPS, so we didn’t have a clue as to where we were or how to contact a mechanic.
A total stranger came rushing to our aid, brought the mechanic to where we were, only to realize the repair was going to take the whole day and probably into the next day. He took us all to his humble home, gave us dinner. We played with their kids and his whole family took care of us as if we were their own. We stayed with them till the car got repaired and went on with our journey. We were complete strangers for them, but even after all these years I am still grateful to God for them.
I understand in this age and time we have to be cautious about whom to bring into our home, but when we do, would that be remembered?
Genesis 18:7,8
‘Then, Abraham ran to the herd and selected a choice, tender calf and gave it to the servant, who hurried to prepare it. He then brought some curds and milk and the calf that had been prepared, and set these before them. While they ate, he stood near them under a tree.’
We can have several takes on this passage above, but what strikes me the most is the harmony between Abraham and his household. From his wife to his helper, everyone is in sync with Abraham. It's important here because butchering a choice tender calf is not an everyday event, it's reserved for special occasions and festivals. Abraham demonstrates leadership here. He hurried so his helper hurried, he asked so his wife Sarah did; not one or two cups of flour, in modern terms, 2 seahs of flour roughly equals to 96 cups of flour! Can you imagine, you are 89 yrs old and on a random midday your husband asks you to bake 96 cups of flour worth of bread? I assume she must have had helpers of her own…but still!
In olden culture, it is important to make more food than needed to honor your guests. As Abraham had a huge household, I am sure no food would have been wasted after the event. Also, have you noticed, there is no account of any questioning here from Sarah's side. The more I think about this event, the more I am amazed. Abraham must have been a combination of both a leader and a humble servant.
While they ate, he STOOD near them under the tree. A true servant's heart, a perfect leader.
The story will go on with the Lord confirming the blessing that Sarah will be with child within a year and then with Abraham interceding for the people of Sodom and Gomorrah. What a Godly encounter!
From what I understand here, we think of God as someone who lives in the sky, granting us our prayers here and there. But what truly happens in this story is, God wants to be in a relationship with us. He wants to commune with us, even share some of his thoughts with us - all to bless us!
On to our recipe now:
We know the structure of the meal:
1. Flat bread, possibly unleavened as it was done in a hurry.
2. Tender Beef
3. Milk and Curd
Now that we know the structure of the meal from the bible, I have developed my own recipe for this meal. Yes, it's my recipe and so it has my take on it!
Abraham’s meal for the Lord consists of tender beef tacos with yogurt dressing.
The Recipe has three parts:
1. Whole wheat flour taco
2. Tender roast beef
3. Yogurt dressing
Make this meal and create an opportunity to talk about having a personal relationship with God, hospitality, generosity, and much more...
Also, it is one of the most satisfying dishes you can ever make because, who doesn't like a freshly homemade beef tacos?!?!
Roast Beef Tacos
Whole Wheat Taco Recipe:
2 cups whole wheat flour (yes only 2 cups, not 96)
1/4 Tsp. salt
3/4 cups hot water (start with 3/4 cups and you can add more if needed)
As simple as that, Only three ingredients.
1. Combine all three ingredients and knead it for 5 mins.
2. Let it rest for 20 mins.
3. Make balls of the dough - go ahead, pick a size. Depends on how big a taco shell you prefer.
4. Roll it out using a rolling pin. If you already have experience in rolling dough then the following tip is not for you. If you can't get a perfect round shape, cut it out using a large round cookie cutter or as I used to do, use container lids to cut out for a perfect round shape.
5. Once the pan is hot, place the tacos one by one. Once you see the bubbles forming on top, flip it. This shouldn't take more than 2 minutes each.
6. if you want to get the authentic black char on top, place the tacos on direct flame on your stove and flip it in a couple of seconds.
7. This taco recipe is the same as the roti recipe but the size would be much smaller than the roti and we don't add any oil in this recipe.
8. Cover the cooked tacos with a clean towel to keep it moist.
You can make these tacos ahead and store it in an airtight container in the fridge for a couple of days. You can also use this recipe for a whole lot of recipes, like with stews, curries, tacos, etc..
Yogurt Dressing:
1/2 cup greek plain yogurt
1 Tsp. finely minced onions
1 Tsp. finely minced cilantro
1/8 Tsp. cumin powder
1/8 Tsp. paprika powder
1 Tsp. fresh lemon Juice
1/8 Tsp. salt or as needed
Combine everything and use it fresh.
Yogurt Dressing
Tender Roast Beef:
For Marination:
2 lbs. Beef ( cut of your choice- I prefer top loin but any tender cut should work. Get stew cuts as it will be easier for this recipe)
5 small shallots
1/2 Tsp. red Chili powder or Chili flakes
1 Tbsp. chopped ginger and garlic
1/8 Tsp. turmeric powder
1/2 cup yogurt
Salt to taste
For Roasting:
3 Tbsp. coconut oil
1 medium sized onion
1 Tbsp. tomato Paste
1 Tsp. chopped ginger and garlic
2 jalapenos (seeded, chopped finely)
1/4 Tsp. cumin powder (optional)
1/4 Tsp. black pepper powder
1/2 Tsp. paprika (optional)
1 bunch cilantro, finely chopped
Roast Beef
1. Wash the meat and Combine everything under marination and keep it in a fridge for an hour or two.
2. If you have a pressure cooker then pressure cook it for 3 whistles. If not, then cook it in a pot with the lid closed until tender. Make sure to add a cup of water when using a pot to cook. Keep checking and stirring the meat every 10 minutes so that it doesn't stick to the bottom.
3.While the meat is cooking, heat a pan and add oil. Let it get hot and now add the finely chopped onions, ginger, garlic, jalapenos and sauté everything until it turns to light brown.
4. Add the tomato paste with 2 tablespoons of water and let it all combine well. put a lid on it now and let it cook for 5 minutes or until the tomatoes are well cooked.
5. Now add the cooked tender beef into this onion- tomato mixture. check for the salt and spice now. Add more salt if needed at this point.
6. Add the cumin powder, pepper powder (if needed) and paprika powder and let the roast simmer without the lid until everything is well cooked and combined.
7. Add chopped cilantro and a teaspoon of coconut oil.
8. you can serve this on a freshly made taco drizzled with yogurt dressing
Tips: You can substitute the beef with lamb or goat.
Here we are, at the end of our first meal from the bible!
Make this recipe for a special occasion, bring your family together, meditate, discuss this very event that brought forth this meal. Be blessed!